Sunday, January 30, 2011

The bicycle came out of hibernation

The bicycle came out of hibernation today. Yesterday it was 75 degrees here in Little Rock and this afternoon it was 65. Since I care for my folks on Saturdays I can really only get rides in on Sundays. Today was "Launch Sunday" at New Life Church (NLC) and we have so many different groups you can join. I signed up for the NLC bike club. They actually had a mixer ride this afternoon and I jumped in and rode. Not to pat myself on the back but I stayed with the front group even as we rolled at 21mph. Not a bad comeback ride for someone who has been off since what, July? I really had a blast! It reminded me of what the group I used to ride with was when it started getting big. But those guys all got really really fast and into racing. I admire them and they all have done outstanding. Sorry, I didn't take any photos. I'll try to do better.

1 comment:

Rodney Olsen said...

Great to hear that the bike is out. Make sure you don't put it away any time soon. :)