Friday, April 04, 2014

Go back to square one and enjoy

I know, it's been years since I really blogged.  I enjoyed it a lot but like so many projects I did I got burnt out and took a break,  Today I went to pick up my bike at a great bike ship in town called Spokes of Little Rock.  I actually had punctured my tire last week and called to see if they could fix it.  I took it in at lunch and they fixed it while I was standing there and made a couple of other small adjustments for free.  Holy cow, it's the Chikfila of bike shops... you know ... over the top customer service.  It was great. I was on my bike afterwork that afternoon and loving it.  I scheduled a tuneup for this week and picked it up after work.  The place was slammed packed but I and everyone else was treated like a VIP.  There is even a coffee bar in the place.  They rolled the bike out and it looked brand new.  No I'm serious, brand new!  I was so excited that I may have even strutted a little on the sidewalk walking it back to the truck.  I was proud!  In fact I would have gone to ride tonight but we had the son and his wife over for dinner which is a good reason not to ride.  They'll be moving out to Denver in about a year so I want all the time I can get.  So tomorrow I'll run down to Benton and enjoy a few moments with my mom then work on her yard a while and then return to Sherwood and roll out for a afternoon lea sure ride on my bike that looks brand new,

Life is good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to see you blogging again. :)