Thursday, April 13, 2006

Blogging again... he thinks

Oh man, I've not blogged all month? Sorry readers!

Let's see... Yep, I've been riding and even Terri has gotten back on the bike to ride along the river. It was fun to ride along side of her.

Tyler is working for Jones Productions and I saw his first tv spot last night. Sounds like Fox 16 might be wanting him to come edit news for the weekends so he'll be working the 7 days a week gig for a while. there are dollar signs in his eyes.

Em is about to be 16 in a couple of weeks and has already tried to take over the Honda. Even put some tooty-fruity air freshener in it that was so strong I felt quizzy.

The dogs: They are growing and Max ate most of the bushes in the backyard. I give up. Saydee is out of her routine now so I've got to give her more attention.

The parents are doing well and I'll see them Sunday (Easter).

Lots of rides coming up. More later

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