Friday, August 05, 2005

... and then she goes home!

Remember how I said that the patients of ACH gives a person strength? I met one of the true hero's today. Her name is Palmer ( What a smile! After all she's been through this was her check out day! Chemo -- she's been there done that -- and won! She's a swimmer so I loaded up a few ACH things and ran over to give her something to send her off with. Yep, she got one of the highly sought after ACH beach towels! I told her I'd watch for lime green and pink stuff to come through. Palmer, if you are reading this, you're a hero in my book!

I've been riding quite a bit this week and will be riding in a 40 miler tomorrow (Saturday) in Morrilton. It has a great name! Tour de Oink! My pal Gary told me it's a great festival so if you need something to do this Saturday, The Great Arkansas Pig Out ( sounds like a plan! I'll have on my ACH jersey during the bike ride. Several folks from around here are riding. It's a "tour" not a "race" which means it will be an all out sprint to the finish! HA!


Jim Gardner said...


Don't know if you read my blog right after Tahoe, but I got to visit with Palmer's grandfather, Prentice Meador. He preaches for one of the larger churches in Dallas (Prestoncrest) and shared Palmer's story with the group. It was moving to hear his account of all she and the family have been through. That's good news to hear she went home yesterday.


Geo said...

Hey Jim,
Yep, I read it and that's how I found her. She's a really neat young lady.
Enjoying your boxing up?