And the next part of the title: a good buzz. I was trying to grow my hair back out and got tired of combing it so I got a buzz today. I mean a real scap showing buzz. Hey it was a rainy Monday morning and I haven't been on my bike in days and days so I was bored. Sad to have 4 days off and the schedule never allowed me to go ride.
The FL Ironman was this weekend in Panama City and I knew a few of the guys and 2 girls and all did good! I honestly am blown away by atheletes that can swim 2.4 miles in the Gulf, ride a hundred miles with 80 of it being into the headwind and then run a marathon (26 miles). Man oh man. These guys rock! Congrats friends!
I did get to run down to Benton and visit the folks. Both seemed tired but doing good. I also got to see a couple of my sisters while I was there and we were laughing and talking about last Thanksgiving and the funny game was played and then no one could remember the name of it. I found out it was called "Loaded Questions". If you need a fuuny party game, pick it up. My mom almost sent me to my room for some of the answers I would come up with.
Hey lots of good stuff as far as entertainment coming to town... Blue Man group, Jeremain Taylor fight, Tran-Siberian Christmas show, and a few others.
By the way, after I got my haircut today one of my favorite eat joints is next door, Blue Coast Burrito! I picked up a sack of fish tacos and a big ole Baja tea! I could drink a gallon of that stuff! It's some sort of tea and orange juice. I loaded up on the salsa bar with the roasted tomato and also the pineapple salsa's. Color me Happy Camper!
I just found out on of our guys is heading over to Iraq. Jason, man, take care bro and get your tail back here soon. I'm hoping that it works out whre I can go to the POP ride next Sunday and get to ride with him again before he heads over.
Well, enough stuff for the night..... Geo out!
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