Look real close at the water and what do you see???

What a morning! I woke feeling go and ready to ride. I was really planning to get down to the river by 8 and ride the Carve ride out to the farmlands but I saw the morning news/weather and forgot about Holiday House going on at Alltel Arena. No parking at the river today was my thought. So I suited up and got to wear my new bike shoe covers for the first time. Oh man, awesome! Made a big difference. Robb told me when I bought them last week that they will make me look like I have on fireman's boots but they are warm and he was right on both counts.
I started from the house and buzzed down North Hills Blvd and was really feeling great! Even the big hill before McCain Blvd (the street the malls are on) was fine. I climbed in the big ring, yes, the lowest of the big ring but still. More cars than usual for 8 on Saturday morning. They must be going to one of those door buster sales they show on TV. HA! I hate to go to the malls.
I got down by the river and sure enough all the crazy ladies in their Tahoes and vans were beginning the showdown for the parking spots. I wondered if they were using this event as parking training for the real big event next Friday? You know the day after Thanksgiving parking choas! Anyway, I made it through and there was actually parking available down at the river front.
Heading down the river trail and the runners were out this morning. Probably feeling the same couped up feeling that I was having not being able to get out and play due to the rain. It was great to be out in the cool crisp fall air enjoying the sunshine in my face! Made it down to the big bridge, over and on out to I-430 parking area and made my way back.
Ok, funny story about the ladies and their parking... There is an area right in front of Alltel that is not really I parking area but I guess they opened it for vendors to unload and no security was watching. It's not a drive through! It's a dead end with no way to turn around. Ok, so there are all the ladies following each other into that driveway thinking they are about to get the prime parking spot (and for free). Have you ever seen Animal House where they led the band into the alley? Maybe it was Farris Bueller, I can't remember but it was blind leads the blind. They lead the band into an alley that's dead end and they all just run int each other. That's what I watched happen. They didn't all run into each other but they all got grid locked in. It was a hoot! I laughed and laughed as I rode by THEN.... Darwin award goes to this fine female citizen... a lady in a new Suburban is locked into the middle of this group and decides she will back up. This is happening right in front of me! The SUV has a trailer hitch and it's a new SUV, very nice looking! She starts going backwards and there is a van right behind her and cars behind it. The trailer hitch hits the van and lodges into the plastic. Looks like those dogs that get stuck. I laughed and the lady in the van is really upset and the lady in the SUV is acting like it's the van ladies fault. You know what I did? Rode right on down the road! Then I laughed and laughed and laughed!
It was nice to get back to the house because I have a list of chores 5 miles long. Once I get up, I can't sit back down for a long time.
By the way, Terri join My Food Diary dot com too. It's been really nice to have a partner to watch the diet and encourage each other. We both blew it last night. I really really blew it. We had seen a new Itlian food place in Jacksonville as we were driving to the teen hayride a few weeks ago and said we'd come back sometime and wat there. It's call Roma's and it's the bomb! We had a nice starter that was different olives, basil and other vegs. I could have made that a meal. It was awesome. Then the entre as gril chicken, eggplant and pasta. I new I would burn off the pasta on my ride this morning so I didn't worry much. I ate about half and I don't think Terri even ate half of hers. It was some grilled chicken, mushrooms and white sauce. But then there is one thing Itilian that I just don't pass up and that's Tiramisu! I do anything for that stuff and it was the real homemade version! I thought I dead and went to heaven. Then I logged it in later. Someone kick my tail please!!!! No kick really really hard! It was a whopping 1400 calories! It sent my food dairy off the scale.
Ok, time to head outsoors and get those leaves up before the neighborhood committe comes to call. HA!
Have a great weekend!
Weight: 180
Bike ride: 120 minutes
Cal burn: 2410
Temp 40
Wind: light
Cloudless sky
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