speaking of the cold front, it has already come through Fayetteville and NW Arkansas and the sports reporters are all decked out in hats, coats and gloves. It's funny because 3 hours south where we are it's shorts and t-shirts for the moment. Speaking of Fayetteville, tomorrow has been called "Code Red". I'm not a big football fan but the Hawgs have done good th

With deer season starting tomorrow at daybreak and the Hawg game. It's sportsman heaven.
I finally got to get out and ride last night. I met up with Brandon about 5 and we rode the north side, over the bridge and out to I-430 and back for a nice 20 miler. Yes, we saw a skunk but I think the things are so used to runners and bikes on the path that unless you pester them they go on about their business.
It was really nice to be out and it made me really miss having a car where I could get afterwork rides in. The funny thing last night was that we did our ride and got back and loaded bikes and talked for a little bit and when I got in the car it was only 6:40!!! It seemed like 9pm. Weird feeling. It was in the 60's while we were riding but I suspect that's close it the last of the 70's for high period.
I'm looking forward to the weekend to get a little more of the kitchen redo done. I'll be priming and painting some. I'm also going to get out and ride some. There is a ride on Sunday that I'd really like to do. I did most of it bak during the summer but it was the ride I didn't finish and got sort of sick on. It's one of those, go back and get 'er done sort of feelings. There are 3 hills, big big hills but the weather is so different this Sunday than it was last time. Since I've not been riding much, I would be dropped like a rock right out of the gate.
Tomorrow I will get out and ride some. The weather is calling for 58 degrees with wind NW at 8-18 mph. Ugh! I broke one of the arm zippers on my riding jacket and hopes Terri can figure out how to fix it before tomorrow. If not I might just see if she will just sew the arm on and leave it as a jacket. But then I'd have to buy a new riding vest for that days when it's not so cold. Humm, buying new bike gear? i like the sound of that!
I have been thinking alot about River 2 River, the fundraiser I'm planning for May 24, 2007. It's a one day 311 mile ride from Ft Smith to Memphis for the hospital. A couple of folks have said they want to be in on it! I couldn't be happier! Some will do the whole trip, some will ride a century (100 miles) of it and some will jut come out and ride a bit. All are welcomed! Everything is still in the early planning stages.
This afternoon I sent an email to a friend and personally one of the, in my opinion, best riders around. I asked him if he would consider being my coach. I hoped he would have time to just help me form a plan, maybe give me a push and I would be honored. Nope, I get back to my office after a meeting to find the "You have mail" icon. I check the list and there is a response. As silly as this may sound, it was sort of like finding out if you got picked for a team. The email was great and a long one. It was motivating and down to earth. It was exactly the sort of email I would hope a coach would write. It had words like diet, spreadsheets, base miles . I offered to pay coach but he wouldn't hear of it. Wha?! Friends, my new coach for the River 2 River ride is Mark Rogers. From the bottom of my heart, "Thanks Coach!"
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