Saturday was just a good day! Woke up and hit Starbucks then got busy with stuff around the house. Knock out chores and then got a good long ride in. Got home, cleaned up and in the car heading to a family gathering. I was about to get to see my new great neice and nephew for the first time and see Ryan and Melissa for the first time in a long time. I was excited! My mom and sis have the same birthday so that was as good excuse as any to get together. Awww, these little tykes are cute! Keaton had on one of those one piece baby things and it said, "Am I really related to all these people?" It probably should have said, "Dad, you're joking right? Not them!" HA! We all ate and had a good time. I kept my food in check big time and no desert. I confess I did eat a couple of tamales when I got home but it was because I was really hungry.
Alright, I know you are wondering about the best Christmas gift. While we were at my sisters house Sherry and Barbie had ended up on the front porch swing. The evening temps were just right for front porch family talking that only the south can provide. I walked outside telling someone who was leaving good night and ended up out on the front porch to. Minutes later it was just Sherry, Barbie and myself. We talked about family and laughed and a family secret was told to me. Oh yes, it was a biggie!! REAL biggie but but unless you're family, it wouldn't be a be deal. Sort of like a family secrect receipe... it'll stay in the family. They were telling me other stuff that I didn't know. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard. A little bit later, Cat (another sis) was out there with us and we were only missing one sister, who wasn't able to come down due to other committments. For the first time in I can't tell you, I was alone with just my sisters and it was priceless. I mean truely priceless. We talked about family, the future, the past. Who's where and what are they doing. With the warm evening temps and my family surrounding me, I was happier than I had been in a long time. It was just one of those live in the moment sort of deals and . . . it was the best Christmas gift of all. Love you sistas!
Hey Uncle George,
I'm family...what's the secret?
Great pictures of what must have been a great time, welcoming Keaton and Elliot to the family. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
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