I stopped by the bike shop to load up with more and ran into Jbar. We yakked a minute and he was out the door and so was I. Fully loaded with new packets of gel. I headed on down to the river and rode the north side, over and the LR side some, River mountain road and Ft Roots. It was really quite out. Also when I parked the bank said it was 61. Not so back afterall. But as I sat there putting gear on I was noticing that it sure was a cold 61. I added more clothes. It was a cool ride and then as always once I got to the LR side and was riding in the shadow of the hills it was cold. I think there may have been 5 groups of folks on the bridge. The wind and the cool air may be slowing the crowd.
As I came home I drove up North Hills and s-t-o-p!!! Traffic was backed up big time. Folks blocking 2 intersections in a row. The guy in front of me saw a lady about to pull out in the insetion and block us for yet another light and he actually pulled out partly to block her from blocking us. She laid on her horn and he turned around and did the same back. I thought it was going to get ugly! The car next to me was college looking kids and they were laughing and laughing. I started laughing as well.
We finally go through the light and a car cut off the man in front of me. I could see him "gesturing" and what does she do? Stops real fast and that really fired him up! But she gets what she deserves because when she did that another lady flew by and cut her off in front of her. Then the light changes to red and stopped us all. I just knew someone was going to lay on the horn again or worse... get out. The light must have been just what was needed because from then on they all drove merry!

There is a island where all the boats hang out on Sunday afternoons in the summer. If you look close you can see an American flag. And yes, those are sea gulls on the island.

This is as you start to drop down River Mountain Road. Just to the right of the fence is an interstate.

LR skyline from Ft Roots.
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