Another day of Mr. Mom is coming to an end. Terri will be home tomorrow. I spoke with her earlier today and said the meetings were going good.
Here's the opening media for Sunday. Y'all don't forget, it's Vet's Day Sunday.

I'm having a blast doing media for church. Sometimes I get really nervous in the booth during the services since I move the media with the songs. I'm afraid I'm going to miss something but so far there has only been one bad Sunday but no one remembers now but me. It was an emotional service and one of he songs got out of order and I sort of jumped the tracks. Luckily the songs were ones everyone knew so not a big deal.
I have a link off of my website to my niece Melissa's blog. She is in the middle of the time of life when everyone is having kids. She and her crazy husband (that's crazy in a good sort of way) have twins. She has some of the best links off her blog. Most are mommy sort of chick reading stuff but some are filled with heartwarming stories while others are filled with heartbreaking. There's a mom with quads. No, you fool... not a deer camp ATV. She has 4 babies. One of he mom's is starting an adoption process. I won't even tell you what is on her blog today! Remember the movie Caddy Shack and the Baby Ruth? It's something like that!
I cannot believe tomorrow is Friday! Everybody dance now!!!
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