Monday, January 15, 2007

Just a quick hit

Just a real quick it this morning. I worked ALL weekend on reports so when I got finished I didn't even want to look at the computer.

Here's the weather update for you readers outside the central Arkansas area. Yes, it is STILL raining! Last I heard it was something like 5 and a half inches had fallen. Streets are flooded here and there. The river is way up but still within in banks. The Saline River in Benton where my parents live is a different story but they are in no danger at all. High upon a hill and a mile away from the river. If they ever are in danger from the river, the Ark would be looking pretty good!

We did get our new "house" bike. It's really nice! I laughed and laughed when I saw one of the features! It has controls on top of the handlebars and the display becomes games! Yes, you can play video games and spin at the same time. Emmy boyfriend loves that feature. I spun and watched Terminal (Tom Hanks) Saturday night. I think I'm really going to like this!
Back to work... I'll write more tonight.

1 comment:

Wes said...

Very nice, Geo! We looked at some of those when we went to the bike shop Sunday. I wanna get me a bike rack first.