Saturday, January 10, 2009

Note from the coach

Got an email from the coach today. Holy smokes life as I know it is about to change! It started today. 3 hours of riding... no excuses except for rain then I would have had to park it on the trainer. Called me a psycho athlete. Also said he only trains those and executives. Oh and the ride... BRR! 10 degree temp drop while riding (47 to 37F). Wind was 25 mph gusty. A couple of the side gusts just about took me down ... but it was a really good ride once I got about 10 miles into it and warmed up.

Get this... one of my training sessions for the 24 hours Gears For Ears ride starts at 10 and ends at 6. Kiddos...that's 10pm to 6am.! It will be done around the neighborhood and then on the trainer to for really late night early morning stuff.

Rides are at 3 hours now about will increase all the way to 10 hours. Told me I could start at 4am and be done mostly by noon. By weekday rides are now 2-3 hours. Yes, as in eat dinner on the trainer. That's supposed to help your tummy get used to meals and rising.

He wants me to be as tired as I can be by the time I do core workouts after work. It made a lot of sense to me because it puts me in the mental frame of mind that I will be in my hardest times on the ride. He asked if I could work standing up. All my phone calls I do standing and pacing... and looking out the window. HA!

As I get closer to the event I can only eat on the training rides what I will eat on the event ride.

I've been nervous about having someone so elite as a coach but he is awesome. Very motivating. Thanks Brad! I'll make you proud.

Life is good... when you a honored enough to be called a psycho athlete.


Sarah said...

Hey Geo!! Who's your coach?

Wes said...

Yea, I used to ride in t hose temps, when I was crazy :-)

Ironman said...

"Psycho Athlete", what better compliment can you recieve? Let us know when you need a training partner.