Jess, Patrick and John discussing the accident and race
EMT crew getting Matthew ready to be moved
Getting ready to straighten his left leg out. It's broken.
Surrounded by friends and his sister (standing) as the straighten it out.

Matthew, one of our strongest riders, crashed tonight. He hit the curve and popped the street sign breaking his left leg and busting up his right knee.
The race had just started and the guys were moving along. They had a plan and they were going to take the race and make a real name for themselves.
I was working over at the registration table when we heard the crowd yelling. There's a man down. I quickly start searching for my guys from the table and I can't leave due to the crowd signing in for the next races. I see Big John, Jen, Jo, Chris, Patrick. I hear a few minutes later that it's Matt..."Our Matt". The race contiunes but I know my guys are having a hard time giving it 110% because they keep going around the course and they keep having to pass Matthew down in the ditch with folks. Like I've said a 100 times, we're a close knit group.
The race ends and the registration slows to almost nothing so I let Ron know I'm going to go check on Matthew. When I get over there he is propped up on a guy and Jenn Shaw is holding his hand. There's blood and an oxygen mask. This is not too good at all. The EMTs prep him to move him into the ambelance to transport him over to St Vincents. As they move his leg to the brace and then turn the restaint Matthew is moving with pain. The man is hurting something bad. I look at his face and it turns my stomach. When your friends are hurting, you hurt.
They get him to the ambelance and take him away. The mood is one of concern. Prayers are quitly being said as the vehicle speeds away.
Matthew, I know you're not reading this but we are all thinking about you tonight. Get well soon friend!
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