This is copied from an email someone sent me and it's just funny and weird stuff that was said in their office over the past couple weeks.
We offer no explanations. And rarely ask for one. We only write down what we hear.
"Tomorrow I will not wear my bathing suit to work."
"I just have this phobia of being like the biggest geek."
"As long as I get all of the accounts that endanger wildlife, I'll be happy!"
"You bet, but I'm the flowery, pretty odor."
"I'm gonna print out a big "A" in Helvetica Black and beat you with it."
"Your heart is embedded in your chest."
"I need someone who can rub the hell outta me."
"Is Koom-Bye-Ya My Lord a religious song?"
"Circles...yah, they're fun. They're like breaking out of the box of everyday life."
"'I'm simply a gong booming with love."
"This cake is sweating."
"You don't have to be hungry to eat cake and M&Ms"
"Why are you doing that breathing thing?"
"Why are you smelling the dusty dinosaur?"
"Why don't you go back in your cave troll boy?"
"Dogs don't ever spit things out...are you kidding?"
"You're gonna be in big trouble if you pop one of those."
"How tight are your thumbnails?"
"Jennifer is a fur ball."
"Who smells like dog biscuits around here?"
"I think you're rubbing on my cerebellum."
"I have some extra lips if you need some."
"Erin, do you want this recipe for scrubbed tongue?"
"Never mind, I'll just go bleed silently."
"Oreos help me find my center."
"She's pretty, she's very pretty. And she's soft too. But she's yucky, yucky, yucky."
"Hey look, if I can maintain with a rat on my desk..."
"I need to tell you sometime about the leech boy."
"All right who has the biggest head?"
"Yes, But first a beer."
"Did you know that cats can say 8 consonants, all the vowels, 2 diphthongs and 1 tripthong?"
"Now you got me singing 'Frosty The Snow Man', Bill...I hate you."
"Yeah, I sit there and ha and stink at the same time. And I shed."
"So there we were comparing nostril size."
"I want to be lied to, he'll just tell me the truth."
"That's why we're here, to remind you, you have a hairdo."
"My lungs are glued together."
"I'm blonde Bill, but I'm not that dumb."