Amgen Tour of California: Juan Jose Haedo sprints to a first place finish in stage one. And what team does he ride for? Toyota-United baby!!!
I saw a few minutes of it yesterday but would not read any bike boards until I saw the tape of the highlights I recorded at 1am last night. A couple of riders had a breakway early in the race and stayed out there for a long time. This was what was going to be a sprinters race and man was it. Bob Roll reported that they were riding at 30mph and that was a ways out. Then as they got closer the teams set up their riders and closer , closer, closer and it cuts loose! Sprint-oh-mania! Then out of the blue comes a smoking Haedo! No need for gasoline on the road, the man's already on fire! I was sitting in the floor of the guest room watching this unfold and when it was over I realized I had pitched the crap out of my leg! It was so great! For them to come out blazing as they have just makes me more excited about the Joe Martin Stage races in Fayetteville in May because these guys will be there and I'll get to see them live. Of course my team Carve will be there as well. Gord Fraser is looking pretty good for Healthnet and I spotted Brice Jones in the peleton. Just a great day of racing and a tape I'm sure I'll watch a few times!
I went to spin class at lunch and there were only 3 of us there besides the instructor. I like the classes better when it's sold out. At least we got new music. I did good on my eating until Terri called and said she was picking up take out on the way home and Captains D's was on the way. Why oh why do I do this? Push like a crazy fool in a lunch spin class, drink water during the day and then blow the whole thing by eating the junk? Ok, I admit, I loved almost every bite. Like a drunk that knows he's not supposed to drink and loves it while he's doing it and hates it and feels guilty afterwards. I've got to do better and the bad part is that Terri leaves for MO on business for the rest of the week and when that happens, Emily and I always eat out. I'll just have to eat out healthy. I guess I need to call my bud Gary and confess. Of course he's dropped about 20 lbs and ready for the Little Rock Marathon. But we have been strictly honest with each other on our training so it helps that I have to tell him.
One of my "E-coaches" sent me a note the other day that I liked. He told me that we were going to set my goals higher than others and train hard to reach them but remember the minute I reach them the bar is going to be raised higher. Other than Gary, I've never had someone who believed in me that much to push me that hard than "E". When I keep that in my mind, I do push harder such as in spin class I tell myself over and over than I have to keep my cadance up higher than the instructor. I also saw an advertisement for a sports drink from the winner of Kona Ironman that said, "Compassion. It's when those that were with you are now behind you." It's not a snob thing, it's just a statement to do your best and be competitive. I don't ever forget those who brought me to this dance! Mike, Kyle, Doug and Rick. The church guys.
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