I'm playing guinea pig! I got to test drive a Phonak Nadia this weekend! Oh man does it sound good! Small slick looking little guy is putting out some serious power! It's been one of those afternoons and evenings where I'm getting to hear a lot of things out of my hearing aid ear that I've not heard in a while. Plan to wear it while riding tomorrow morning and test Ipod-ness on it.
I went down to Hot Springs with a couple of Audiology buds (Lisa and Patti) to the Arkansas Speech and Hearing convention reception and was lucky enough to be in a very nice crowd of winners! I was awarded the Adult Ambassador for Arkansas! Dr Lisa Christenman (sp?) fom the hospital was also awarded a very nice Audiologist award and so was Dr. Nan Nicholson. It was a huge honor to be awarded in the same program as them!
Afters we walked down to Bella Ati for an awesome dinner. Lobster raviolli with baby shrimp. Some sort of strawberry salad with roasted chestnuts and cheese I couldn't pronounce on top of baby greens. And yes it was an Itilian place so I got something to go that I shouldn't have. Oh come on folks, if you've read this blog long enough you know I don't leave without ultra-super fattening Tarimusu (sp?).
Been a long week and ready to chill my jets.
I'll write more later.
Life is good... so was desert!
Very cool, Geo! You ate baby shrimp? Poor little guys ;-)
George - I am so glad you were the ArkSHA Adult Ambasador - it was an honor accepting my award with you! And we need to get our finishing touches ready for our table at Tasting at Twilight ; )- Lisa
I got Phonak Naida UP last Sat and it really rock. I also got a iCOM for bluetooth which I never think about before. This little pair show me so much stuff and I feel that life full with a lot of fun and happy. I am thinking about to take my 2 years daughter to swimming pool with Naida. That must be a lot of fun with her laugh in water.
What did you think of the naida?
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