Monday, December 04, 2006

Ya gotta stop eating too much and going to bed early!

Just a family photo I forgot Shalyn took last week. By the way, Tyler is a LOT taller than that! He's a lot taller than me.

I woke this morning at 4:25 and managed to go back to sleep until 5:08. I was wide awake. man, I hate doing that. No reason for me to wake that early. No real stressors. So I got up and stumbled through the darkness to get my book and glasses and headed to the den. The moon was so big and so bright that it looked like daytime. I admit I really love the pre-dawn time of the morning. It's so peaceful. There are a couple of neighbors that are also early risers because I can see their lights from the den but this morning even they stayed in their nice warm beds. I seemed that it took forever for the sun to wake p as well. We are getting to the shortest day of the year in about 18 days then the days start getting longe again by 1 minute. Seems silly but the short days make me completly nuts!

Work was fine today. Nothing big. At lunch I ran out to the bike shop to take a jersey that belongs on one of our club members and walked out with a new pair of bike shoes! We had struck a deal that I'd take merchandise rather than money for their store jersey. So I got some new shoes.

Now I know I will kick everyone's tail with these lightweight beauties on!

I came home and had a light dinner but Em's boss was in the gourmet fudge making mood so I had to have some fudge. UGH! Why do I do this to myself? So I got back there in the office and did a workout program. Weights and the big red balance ball. It was a nice workout and I could feel the burn. Everytime I felt it I tried to assoicate some of the crap I've eaten. Even with me having my moments of food weakness I've still managed to ahve lost 6 lbs since the Wedensday before Thanksgiving. Tomorrow will be a lunch time workout in the fitness center and Wednesday will be a spin class at lunch. I have to remember to drink more water too. that always seems to help.

1 comment:

Wes said...

Very nice shoes, Geo, and a great pic of the family too! I trade yardwork for beer. I like that kind of bartering!!