I parked it on the trainer tonight for an hour. Legs were jelly donuts by the time I finished. Note to self... if you are home alone next time don't train by the fireplace and turn the heat down. But then on the other hand I sweated my rear off. It was a dandy hour of torture!
In case you are wondering what Lance Armstrong did today, I can tell you he froze his hands off and had pot roast for dinner and he is not the only one making a comeback in oh-nine! Got to love Twitter!
Ok, I'm heading to the bed...zzzzz
Life is good...even on a trainer.
The year of Lance. And Geo.
Geo commeth :-)
Nice bike. :)
I had a magnificent ride this morning with a few friends.
Unfortunately, when they continued on for a coffee I headed off to work. Just as well I love my job.
Merry Christmas man, you deserve it!
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