I started preparing for this ride last night. Went through the check list and got the ride ready. Woke about 6:30 got ready and had pancakes, a must pre-ride meal, and even went down to Starbucks for a Vanilla Latte. Research shows that coffee drinkers can sprint longer than non coffee drinkers. Trust me friends, there as no sprinting for me today.
Left for the ride about 7:45 or so and as I got over to Burns Park I knew it was going to be a great ride. Cars and bikes in a long line all heading to the same place. When I got to the starting area the lot was almost completely full. I was excited for CARTI. Last year there were about 300 total and there's no telling what this year was. Saw lots of friends. Got my number and headed back to the car to get ready.
Everyone began heading up to the start point and and I wedged in with my Fast Girls and Slow Guys club. Was strange having several missing. Chris, Christopher, Robb, Patrick and several others. Yale was there with his som Braxton for the family ride. Rob Lambert gave the here's what we're gonna do and where we're gonna go speech and out we go. Most started fairly slow and we picked up and picked up and picked up. On the river trail was fine but baby once we got to the open roads we upped it. I was rarely going under 22 mph. I hung on until the break with the rest stop where I had to cross the road and I bidded farewell and told Dean to go with the front group, which he did till the very end. Way to go Dean! I rode solo for a bit and kept a steady low 20 high 19 pace (with wind thank you). Had a chance to rest a tad and have a gel and water. About that time a couple of guys came by but I just wasn't ready to jump so I continued on. A few moments later a paceline came by and I recognized several of them and began drafting. Not sure who the guy in the Sierra-Nevada jersey was that pulled but he pulled through some wicked wind. We kept our pace and took it on in once we returned the the river trail. Good ride!
I picked up a drink from the FUZE tent. AWESOME STUFF!!! Geo, don't forget you just rode hard for 35 miles, slow down on the sweet drink. A few minutes later, "oh my tummy." I changed clothes and hung out on the back of the car for a little bit and watched riders come in and to let my tummy settle before walking over and watching the crit races. Met up with Kyle, Doug and Doug Pope. Oh gosh, Doug Pope knows Doug Childress... heaven help us! HA! We all watched a race and my tummy still is reminding me of my sin but it's livable. We all left and the guys headed for the food and I headed for the car.
It was a fun day and I hope CARTI will continue to do this and it continues to grow.
Other stuff. My bud Robb is now working at Arkansas Cycle and Fitness over on Bowman Road. I'm hoping they will let him work the Sherwood store too. He'll make there business soar.
Well, just I better get busy with the house chore crap. Big ride tomorrow at 1 and then again at 6:30 tomorrow.
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