Thursday, August 21, 2008

Twitter me and Thanks Mark Batterson!

So I went to Dallas last weekend and everyone is Twittering.... except me. I set up an account while I was there and changed it a couple of times. It's really a lot of fun. So set up a Twitter account and feel free to add me as a "follow on Twitter". It's cobbgeo

I been fighting with myself a lot this week. I really had an awaking in several ways while I was in Dallas. Friday night I spent a lot of time thinking and praying. It was a good thing. A needed thing. I had just spent two days talking God and how to reach people through our gift, which was art. I try so hard to slowly inject a little pop culture if you will into the art I do. I struggle with how do I use my art gift for God and reach the younger set? Everything is entertainment and I know most Church of Christ folks will say, "Well we're not here to entertain." Well, OK... but how are you planning on holding the attention of the upcoming generations? It won't be with the 2 songs, prayer, song, communion, song, sermon, announcement, song, by-by. Well at least not when there's nothing but a song leader not open enough to try new songs because the brethren want the stuff from the 60's. The preacher is telling you that you are going to hell every week or at least threatening. Is there anything to hold your attention? Several weeks ago there was dialog about whether the "c" in Church of Christ was capitalized or not. Honestly, does it matter? Think the big picture..... the person driving down the road who sees your sign could really care less. Serious. They want whats inside the building. They want what's inside the building to be outside the building. They want to be a part of something they are moved by. The "c" doesn't mean a thing to people...really.

I told one of the song leaders I was thinking about putting the songs on art backgrounds such as photos and graphic art to help illustrate the song and to help focus your mind on the meaning of the song rather than looking at the white 4-part-harmony pages. He said, I'm not really into that. Hmmm, might take a little coaching. I might just do it and say sorry later. We know these songs and don't need sheet music... most folks can't read music anyway. They know what the song sounds like and they sing it.

Tonight, I've decided to go in a pit with a lion on a snowy day. (thanks Mark -- this is your fault! HA!)


Rodney Olsen said...

You didn't mention your username on Twitter.

Iron Maiden said...

You go Geo! Rock the house and shake it up, buddy! That's how history is made.

Wes said...

I have no time for people who preach that I'm going to hell :-) They are not in tune with God.

Church with a small (c) is a generic place, used for religious purposes. When you capitalize the C, it takes on so much more, because it involves the people who add value to that generic place with their faith.

Rock on, Geo....

Yale D. Funk said...