Justa bike blowin' in tha wind.... that's what it was this afternoon. Terri and I headed over to the river and she walked and I rode. We said one hour and we'd meet back at the car. We started at the dog park and she walked toward the bridge and I rode toward the arena.
Going toward the arena was pure joy! That translates into tailwind. Big ring cranking and it was as simple and easy as it could be. Looped the boat club and then headed back to the dog park. Yes that would be into the headwind. I told myself that this needs to be a true training ride son stop ya whining and head down, focus and crank it out. Keep that average up. I looked down once and thought, this has GOT to be because they tuned the bike. This is some strong headwind and I am not drafting a wheel and I can not be goin 19mph. No way no how.... it's got to be the tune up. Whatever it is, oh baby I'm loving this!
By the way, yes the tropical Storm Ike did come to town last night. No one seems to know when but there was plenty of evidence this morning. Our yard is covered in leaves... green leaves. We've seen several trees down. Last I heard there was 108,000 folks without power around today. The spooky thing was last night there was a tornado warning and the spinning circle on TV was right were my folks live. I was not breathing for a few minutes. Soon after it was in a nearby town where one of my best friends from the hospital lives. I'll be interested to hear how her and husband did.
Well... as I always say... life is good... even with the wind.
116 for me today, Geo :-) Stupid Ike...
What was left of Ike blew in this morning and this afternoon. Thankfully, no damage here, but it was hard to drive the car...the gusts were strong!
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