Here are a few MS150 photos. Like so many other times I wish I was more like Yale and kept my camera out taking 50 million photos. Maybe that should be my new years resolution.

Chainwheel dude at the rest stop. This guy gave me the big thumbs up as he was driving by when he saw I had made it up the mountain. Thanks Chainwheel dude. The lady is the mom of the girl who spoke at the dinner on Saturday night. Talk about a proud mom!

This was one of the rest stops in the middle of nowhere but the cool thing was was that it was at a Church of Christ. (How many times can yo use was in a single sentence?)

Fast Girls Slow Guys biggest rival! The Megasoreasses.

Rhonda! You are looking at one of the Arkansas State champs!

Ironmaiden, Ironman, and JBar

"Well little mister, I hear you have Ipod contraband!"
Ironmaiden was one of the ride troopers.
She would even yell at the snakes.... "Hey you there... slither back over there and wait for us to ride by. You don't want to hear Geo scream like a little girl do you?"
Thanks to everyone for riding like it hurts for MS.
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